Meet Haley Tencha: Occupational Therapist

Welcome Haley Tencha to the OT Works! team! Haley has been working with us since August 2021. 

She provides community OT services for individuals by implementing daily activities at home, work and in the community to foster increased independence.  Haley is eligible to work on our contracts with WorkSafe BC, ICBC and Veterans Affairs Canada.  She also serves private-paying clients and those with extended health and disability insurance.  

Haley has been working as an Occupational Therapist for over 12 years. She has successfully treated clients with a variety of injuries and health conditions, including orthopedic injuries, chronic pain, chronic fatigue syndrome, complex regional pain syndrome, concussion/brain injury and mental health conditions (anxiety, depression, PTSD, specific phobias). Haley has worked in both public health and private community settings.  

She has obtained Certification as a Work Capacity Evaluator through Roy Matheson and Associates in 2013. She has completed hundreds of medical legal assessments across the lower mainland including Functional/Work Capacity Evaluations and Cost of Future Care Assessments. She has testified as an expert witness in the Supreme Court of British Columbia on numerous occasions. 

Haley serves clients in the Metro Vancouver region, including Vancouver, Burnaby, New Westminster, North Vancouver, West Vancouver, Richmond, Coquitlam and Surrey.  

Like all of our therapists, Haley is full registrant and in good standing with the College of Occupational Therapists of British Columbia (COTBC).

Get started with an OT  

If you or someone you know could benefit from working with an occupational therapist, contact us today!  


Phone:  604.696.1066 ext. 1000.  

OT Works! is hiring!

OT Works! is expanding services in Vancouver, Fraser Valley and Victoria!

We have open positions for Experienced Occupational Therapists in Vancouver and Fraser Valley, and for recent grads in Victoria and Fraser Valley.

If you know someone that would be a great fit for these roles, please share this post!

If you’d like to apply, please check our Careers page for more information.

OT Works! is the organization of choice for occupational therapists who want to make a meaningful difference in the lives of others.

Since 2000 our team has grown due to our commitment to our values and our people. We care about the people we serve and the people work alongside. Our therapists and clients are treated as individuals, not numbers. We are passionate about what we do and foster an environment where you can be inspired and be inspiring.

Apply today!

Meet Steven, Aman and Maren: Occupational Therapists

Welcome Steven Lin, Aman Ranji and Maren Kristensen to the OT Works! team.  They provide community OT services for individuals by implementing daily activities at home, work and in the community in order to foster increased independence.  All three of our new therapists are eligible to work on our contracts with WorkSafe BC, ICBC and Veterans Affairs Canada.  They also serve private-paying clients and those with extended health/disability insurance. 

Steven has been working as an Occupational Therapist for over 13 years.  He has successfully treated clients with traumatic brain injuries and traumatic stress disorders.  He recognizes that every client has unique strengths and barriers and looks forward to problem-solving with his clients.  Steven serves clients in the Metro Vancouver region, including Vancouver, Burnaby, Richmond, and Surrey. 

Aman has a diverse background in physical and mental health and has worked in both private and public settings.  He is a Certified Work Capacity Evaluator (CWCE) and enjoys assisting clients as they return to work.  He aims to have positive meaningful interactions with each of his clients.  Aman also serves clients in the Metro Vancouver region. 

Maren has practised occupational therapy for 10 years in both British Columbia and Alberta.  She has a passion for working with clients recovering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Adjustment Disorder.  She is very experienced with Return-to-Work planning for clients with various injuries.  Maren serves the North Shore region, including North Vancouver, West Vancouver and Vancouver. 

Like all of our therapists, Steven, Aman and Maren are full registrants and in good standing with the College of Occupational Therapists of British Columbia (COTBC).   

Get started with an OT 

If you or someone you know could benefit from working with an occupational therapist, contact us today! 


Phone:  604.696.1066 ext. 1000.  

woman wearing headset


When clients can access few other services, occupational therapy via telehealth is a vital link to wellness. 

About Telehealth 

Telehealth refers to using electronic communications to manage a client’s health and wellbeing. OT Works! is delivering telehealth services during the COVID-19 outbreak. Care by telehealth is therapy that is: 

  • Provided via phone, email, text messages or video 
  • Live, private and confidential 
  • Guided by the College of Occupational Therapists of BC (COTBC) and the Provincial Health Services Agency (PHSA)

How OT can help with Telehealth

Telehealth allows clients to safely receive the prompt care they need while social distancing is required. Through telehealth, our therapists help clients: 

  • Maintain or improve workplace tolerances  
  • Develop a daily structure that simulates their typical (work) day 
  • Create healthy routines 
  • Increase resiliency 
  • Deliver health education 
  • Promote connection with the workplace and decrease isolation 

OT Works! Telehealth Approach 

OT Works! therapists provide a creative healthcare service that develops client-centered solutions that are: 

  • Cost Effective 
  • Customized to optimize outcomes (including remote session length and frequency)  
  • Tailored towards cognitive and emotional gains 
  • Focused on the long-term goals, including Return to Work 
  • Provided with integrity and therapeutic value 

Services Considerations 

The following services are difficult to deliver remotely, yet we have solutions to help: 

  • Home environment – possible with video technology 
  • Objective assessments of range of motion and strength – possible with video technology 
  • Functional assessments (e.g. transfers, stairs, community access) – inferred from client reports, questionnaires, camera observations and medical documentation 
  • Wheelchair or home safety assessment – if urgent, in-person assessments can be considered after completing a client risk assessment and while using personal protective equipment.

Get Started 

All of our therapists at OT Works! are certified with the College of Occupational Therapists of British Columbia (COTBC) and have additional training in areas such as mental health, brain injury rehabilitation, home safety and chronic pain. 

We’re here for you when you need us.  


Phone: 604.696.1066 ext 1000 

OT Works! is OPEN

OT Works! continues to serve clients and customers during the COVID-19 outbreak. We believe occupational therapy is essential to maintaining the health and wellbeing of the public. OT Works! is adapting to better support everyone – our clients, customers, therapists, staff and our communities – in the most responsible manner possible.


OT Works! is enabled by telehealth. Our occupational therapists can provide telehealth services by phone, email, text messages and video. Telehealth can allow live, confidential and safe interactions with an occupational therapist during times social distancing. We have developed protocols and plans that follow guidelines by the College of Occupational Therapists of BC (COTBC) and the Provincial Health Services Agency (PHSA). Our goal is to provide care through telehealth that is meaningful and appropriate.

We will continue to provide in-person home visits on an urgent basis.

Benefits of Telehealth

Telehealth is a vital link to wellness when clients have limited or no access other in-person services. For many of our clients, telehealth is the only service available to them after other health providers and rehab team members have closed their doors. Through telehealth, our OTs can provide clients with prompt and personalized care while maintaining social distancing.

Telehealth can help clients by:

  • Maintain or improve workplace tolerances
  • Develop a daily structure that simulates their typical (work) day
  • Create healthy routines
  • Increase resiliency
  • Deliver health education
  • Promote connection with the workplace and decrease isolation

Occupational therapy is client-centered. Our clients’ telehealth treatment plans are specific to individual needs and goals. While some rehab goals may not be accessible during times of social isolation (eg. return-to-work), telehealth maintains clients’ readiness for rehab upon return to in-person sessions.

Occupational therapists are creative and adaptive. With telehealth, our therapists are able to adjust the frequency and duration of sessions to provide appropriate and effective care during our current situation.

Telehealth allows us all to socially distance ourselves and prevent the spread of disease while still connecting, progressing on goals and maintaining well-being.

Service Areas

OT Works! continues to serve the following areas :

  • Metro Vancouver
  • Fraser Valley
  • Sea-to-Sky (Squamish, Whistler, Pemberton)
  • Vancouver Island

With telehealth, our occupational therapists can also assist clients outside of these geographic areas. Contact us to learn more.

Contact Us

All of our therapists at OT Works! are certified with the College of Occupational Therapists of British Columbia (COTBC) and have additional training in areas such as mental health, brain injury rehabilitation, home safety and chronic pain.

We’re here for you when you need us.


Phone: 604.696.1066 ext 1000

Mathilde and Bronwyn

Meet Mathilde Bleuze & Bronwyn Cormack: Occupational Therapists

Welcome Mathilde Bleuze and Bronwyn Cormack to the OT Works! team.  They provide community OT services for individuals with musculoskeletal/orthopaedic injuries, chronic pain, mental health, concussion/traumatic brain injuries and mixed diagnoses.  They guide clients in managing their daily activities at home, work and in the community in order to foster increased independence.

Mathilde enjoys thinking outside of the box and supporting clients in their own environments.  Originally an OT in France, she has a wealth of experience particularly in return-to-work planning, home safety and seating and mobility.  Mathilde serves clients on Vancouver Island, particularly in the Comox Valley region.

Bronwyn finds that private practice allows for a dynamic work environment.  She enjoys learning about the different roles people have in their communities.  She provides workplace assessments, return-to-work planning and activation, among other services.  Bronwyn serves clients in the Sea-to-Sky region, primarily North Vancouver to Whistler.

Like all of our therapists, Mathilde and Bronwyn are full registrants and in good standing with the College of Occupational Therapists of British Columbia (COTBC).  

Get started with an OT

If you or someone you know could benefit from working with an occupational therapist, contact us today!


Phone:  604.696.1066 ext. 1000. 

Occupational Therapy Initial Assessment

OT Assessment: What to Expect

Getting Started with an Occupational Therapist

Occupational therapists are client-centered problem solvers.  With an OT’s help, clients can increase their ability to take care of themselves, be productive, and enjoy what their homes and communities have to offer.

Occupational therapy begins with a thorough assessment to identify a client’s current abilities and how to maximize their functioning so that they can achieve their personal goals. OTs check their client’s physical, cognitive and emotional abilities and explore any assistive devices, social supports and environmental setups they have or need.

When to Refer to an OT

If a person shows a decrease in daily function, an OT assessment can determine if occupational therapy is right for them.  The Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists (CAOT) suggest an assessment may be helpful if a person has had an accident or a change in health status and shows any of these signs:

  • They have not returned to work, school, volunteering or other pre-accident roles.
  • They struggle to care for themselves, their family or their home.
  • Despite other treatments, they are still recovering slowly or not at all.

Initial assessments are also beneficial for insurers who request our OTs’ help.  An OT’s observations and recommendations provide clarification for the insurer so that they can arrange funding and coordinate treatment providers. An assessment is particularly useful to determine how a person participates in activities of daily living (ADLs) and how those activities are affected by the injury at hand.

What happens with an OT Assessment?

An OT assessment is a process that usually involves an in-person meeting and a written report.  During the assessment, the therapist will typically:

  • Gain an understanding of the client’s pre-injury status.  How did the client engage in activities before their function decreased?
  • Observe the client doing functional tasks in their real environment(s), as well as standardized testing.  What are the physical, cognitive and emotional barriers affecting the client’s ability to engage in daily activities as before?  What physical, emotional and social supports does the client have in the home, at work or in their community?
  • Develop a collaborative plan for treatment.  What specific skills or supports require improvement?  Is education or ongoing treatment necessary?  How does the treatment plan reflect the client’s specific needs and goals as well as current medical research?
  • Write a report for the insurer and other health providersWhat information would other parties benefit from knowing about the client’s situation?  What objective, measurable goals will help a client to their pre-injury function?

Different Kinds of OT Assessments

OT assessments vary depending on the nature of the referral (also known as the “referral question”), the environment for the assessment and the needs of the client.  Here are some examples of assessments with a specific focus.

  • Hospital Discharge Planning – assess the need for adaptive equipment, home modifications or home support services such as cleaning services or a care aide when a client may be unsafe upon returning home after hospitalization.
  • Cognitive Rehabilitation – if the client has experienced a concussion or traumatic brain injury due to the accident, or reports changes in thinking due to a mental health condition, an OT can assess those specific changes.  In particular, they assess attention, memory, information processing, and executive function (such as planning).
  • Ergonomic Assessment – sometimes an injury doesn’t prevent the client from returning to work but they experience ongoing or increasing symptoms while at work.  In this case, an OT assesses the desk, chair and computer set up, particularly to prevent shoulder, neck, back, hip and wrist pain.
  • Return-to-Work Planning – if the client cannot return to work due to their injuries, an OT can liaise with their employer to develop a step-by-step plan that gradually reintroduces the client back into their pre-injury worker role.  OTs also determine if and how activities, tasks and work roles can be modified in the short or long-term, when medically required.

Where does it take place?

The initial assessment can occur at the client’s home, in their community, or at their workplace.  Some also take place in hospitals, clinics or community health centers.  Our OTs work in their community.  They come to the client to assess their function “in vivo”, which means where they spend most of their time.  Our OTs see clients in Greater Vancouver, the Fraser Valley and the Sea-to-Sky area (Squamish, Whistler, Pemberton).  We also serve clients on the Sunshine Coast and Vancouver Island.

What do you get from an OT assessment?

Once an assessment is complete, the client and their insurer can review the OT’s recommendations, often as a report.  If medically supported and advised, the OT may recommend further follow-up meetings for continued OT treatment.

Some clients start OT already knowing they would benefit from ongoing treatment.  For instance, return-to-work planning may require monitoring as an OT’s presence can assist a client as they gradually ease back into their routine.  Other clients and fee-payers may be unsure whether longer treatment options are necessary.  Nonetheless, an initial assessment is a good place to start and provides professional expertise to determine how to move forward.

How can OT Works! help?

Our occupational therapists are experienced with a wide range of assessments and tools.  They have developed unique, client-centered treatment plans that have helped hundreds of people return to their pre-injury status and make the best of their situations. 

All of our OTs are university-trained and certified by the College of Occupational Therapists of British Columbia (COTBC).  Many of our OTs have additional training in physical OT treatment, mental health, and goal-planning, to name a few.  They enjoy working with a variety of insurance providers including ICBC, WorkSafe BC, Pacific Blue Cross, and Great West Life.  Our therapists know what steps to take to ensure all parties are content with the outcome of the assessment.

Contact us today if you or your client could benefit from an OT assessment.  We would be happy to discuss your needs or answer any question you may have.


Phone:  604.696.1066 ext. 1000. 

Jaclyn (white shirt, long brown hair), Pamela (green shirt, short grey hair), Nicole (black shirt, long brown hair)

Meet Jaclyn Forsythe & Nicole Chan

Welcome Jaclyn Forsythe and Nicole Chan to the OT Works! team. They provide community OT services helping clients with musculoskeletal and orthopaedic injuries as well as mental health issues and mixed diagnoses. They work with clients following motor vehicle accidents and workplace injuries with a focus function and return-to-work.

Nicole is passionate about community-based rehabilitation. She meets her clients where they are at in their recovery and her treatment solutions are insightful, creative and individualized.

Jaclyn organizes and simplifies complex situations to produce meaningful results. She has experience with chronic pain with a focus on return-to-function and return-to-work.

Like all of our therapists, Nicole and Jaclyn, are full registrants and in good standing with the College of Occupational Therapists of British Columbia (COTBC).

Learn More: