Walk Daily To Improve Your Health
Slip on your sneakers and walk outside for 30 minutes every day. Research demonstrates that a half hour of walking a day can improve your physical and mental health. Walking also has benefits for creativity and problem-solving.
In rehabilitation, our occupational therapists often include walking as part of activation as a way to achieve meaningful goals. Activation is the process of returning to regular routines and activities after an accident or injury.
You can read more about the benefits of walking in this article by CBC News Vancouver.
Get Started with an OT
Could you or someone you know benefit from an Occupational Therapist’s guidance? All of our therapists at OT Works! are certified with the College of Occupational Therapists of British Columbia (COTBC) and have additional training in areas such as mental health, brain injury rehabilitation, home safety and chronic pain.
We are here to help after a motor vehicle accident or injury. Contact us today!
Email: referrals@ot-works.com
Phone: 604.696.1066 ext. 1000.