Respect, Inclusion and Equality
OT Works! is an organization committed to respect, inclusion, and equality. We stand against the legacy of systemic bias, racism and unequal treatment that continues to plague our communities. We acknowledge the history and current challenges that Black, Indigenous and people of colour communities have in Canada and elsewhere.
As occupational therapists, we recognize that cultural, economic, and racial justice factors influence how our clients experience life and impact their health. Our clients’ and customers’ safety and dignity are important to us.
We are committed to delivering care that is client centred. Our clinical practices and business operations are based on a set of core values, the center of which is Respect. As OTs, we are guided by a Code of Ethics that states the expectation that occupational therapists uphold clients’ rights to be treated with respect and dignity within a safe and nonjudgmental environment. The Code of Ethics also values peoples’ right to self-determination and occupational therapists’ responsibility to acknowledge diversity and uphold the principle of equity.
We support the Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists position on “No silence in the face of inequality and injustice”.
We are listening carefully right now. We hear what is being said, and we are here to learn and support when we can. It is where we must start. But it is also not enough.
We have a responsibility and an opportunity to do more than just listen and learn. We also have to find ways to apply those lessons. And we have to be part of creating meaningful action.
In the coming months we’ll be doing more work to determine the most appropriate ways for OT Works! to take action – including developing the framework of a policy and training that will move us beyond the values of respect and inclusion and into a space where we are actively engaged in creating a more equitable and fair society.
In the meantime we commit to continuing to listen and grow as we engage in a variety of learning opportunities. We will do this both as individuals and collectively–looking at the roles we can each play in creating necessary and vital changes.
Combatting Inequality and Racism
Improving cultural respect and acceptance in healthcare settings is essential to inclusion and diversity.
- National Collaborating Centre for Determinants of Health: Key Public Health Resources for Anti-Racism Action
- National Collaborating Centre for Determinants of Health: Racism and Health Equity
- First Nations Health Authority: Cultural Humility and Cultural Safety Webinars
- Vox: The Unbearable Grief of Black Mothers
- The Conversation: Racism Impacts Your Health
We want all our clients and customers to feel safe and feel heard. If you or someone you know experiences disrespect or discrimination while interacting with one of our team members, please let us know.
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